A multiple-aspect analysis of reforming the local government in Ukraine and Poland in the context of innovations and development prospects
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Katedra Politologii Donieckiego Uniwersytetu Narodowego na Ukrainie
Publication date: 2020-01-21
Studia Politologiczne 2013;28
The proposed research is focused on the problem of interaction and communication of the local government with institutions of the political system and the civil society. The research includes up-to-date concepts and categories in modern political science, such as: local government in the context of cluster analysis and spiral dynamics and information approach to the analysis of the local government. A separate emphasis was placed on the research methodology, which is based on a poly-variety of theoretical approaches and methods with an analysis of their strong and weak points. The presented cluster approach is widely applied not only to the basic problems of the local government (budget sphere, local finances and problems of local and central authority interrelation), but also to the special aspects – political elections, perception and trust of the civil society in the local government institutions.
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