Urban Agglomerations: Problems and Tendencies of Development
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ведущий научный сотрудник сектора прав человека Института государства и права Российской академии наук, Российская Федерация.
Publication date: 2021-12-16
Studia Politologiczne 2021;62
The subject of this research was the modern urban agglomerations and its aim was to find out the main tendencies of their development by way of the analyses of problems faced by urban agglomerations and their management mechanisms. The main method of the conducted research was the comparative legal method, as the study is based on comparing the experience of different countries in the sphere of urban governance. The author used sociological, systemic and structural-functional approaches as well. The author believes that the problems faced by urban agglomerations are caused by the activities of different administrative bodies at their territory, the lack of proper coordination in the face of pretty acute rivalry between them. The mentioned problems are also exacerbated by modern migration processes. The number of “native” inhabitants is being decreased in many cities, the middle class is largely moving to suburbs while poor people are moving to urban centers, the urban population is getting older. The article also contains the analyses of different attitudes towards organization of administrative structures at the territory of the modern agglomeration. Proponents of only one strong jurisdiction, functioning within the agglomeration and taking decisions obligatory for the whole area, were called “consolidationists. “Polycentrists” believe that the more various jurisdictions function within the agglomeration the better, because centralized and hierarchical administrative model is outdated and ineffective.
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two double-anonymous peer reviews
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