The Role of Administrative Courts in Ensuring the Protection of the Rights of Children of Same-Sex Couples (in the Context of European Law)
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Uniwersytet Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej w Lublinie
Uniwersytet Łódzki
Publication date: 2023-12-15
Studia Politologiczne 2023;70
The role of courts in the protection of individual and the so-called judicial lawmaking are theoretical issues of a major importance for legal practice (law application), as they concern the answer to the question of what a judge when the statutory provisions, in the opinion of the court, are outdated or insufficient in relation to the factual situation being resolved, due to ongoing alterations in social relations. The aim of the study is to point out the role of administrative courts in protecting the rights of children of same-sex couples. Contemporary phenomena operating on a European scale, such as open borders and migrations, pluralism of lifestyles, or the development in infotech and biotech (also medical technologies), are reflected in legal relationships regulated by various branches of law, including the norms regulating cases falling within the scope of cognition of administrative courts. They are also, inter alia, a source of problems in the title area related to the interpretation of such norms. Case-law can play an important role in both dynamically interpreting the law within social realities, unifying practice and rising the awareness of rights protection. The title subject is presented in the light of European law – primarily in the light of standards and principles of law, the sources of which are: traditions of European states and national law, inter- and supranational regulations and case-law of the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) and the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU). It is worth noting that, as far as EU law is concerned, there has been no harmonisation or unification at the community (or Convention) level in this area due to lack of delegation the relevant competences to the European Union by the Member States. According to the principle of conferral, the Union can only act within the scope of its competence and has only as much competence as the Member States have conferred on it. Thus, all matters not explicitly indicated as EU competences remain under the autonomous regulation of the Member States. However, these title matters fall – indirectly – within the scope of the norms provided for by the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (European Convention on Human Rights – ECHR). The paper shows that administrative courts – which as a rule are to pass conservative and formalistic judgements – are able to refer to the value of flexibility in the law application, when it is necessary to grant protection to the rights of children of same-sex couples.
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